iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising
Published on August 18 2022 by Pipiads
Looking for some iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising ? You've come to the right place.
Updated on December 24 2024
Each week, we update this resource with the iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising, what they are, and how you can incorporate them into your strategy.
FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: December 2024
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: December 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:
kiansantanx,mfishus02,NewByte,NewByte,Kelly 🩺RN 💰Digital Wealth,mutongweilai,mutongweilai,Amor To Create by Betzy Flores,Wultra,specialk1321.
They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: December 2024
The total number of days for these 10 ads:4376 Ad Impressions,10 Days,62 Popularity,4376 views,52 likes,10 comments,0 shares.
The countries they advertise contain: Singapore,United States,Malaysia,Indonesia
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $0.18 - 0.74
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
443 Ad Impressions,1 Days,4 Popularity,443 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1.84 - 7.39
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
539 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,539 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Singapore
TikTok ad cost:: $0.38 - 1.52
Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65
229 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,229 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Singapore
TikTok ad cost:: $0.13 - 0.5
Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65
76 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,76 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Kelly 🩺RN 💰Digital Wealth
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.78 - 11.15
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
813 Ad Impressions,1 Days,7 Popularity,813 views,7 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Beli sekarang
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $0.07 - 0.28
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
99 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,99 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Beli sekarang
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $0.04 - 0.17
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
60 Ad Impressions,1 Days,2 Popularity,60 views,2 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Amor To Create by Betzy Flores
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1.52 - 6.1
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
445 Ad Impressions,1 Days,10 Popularity,445 views,10 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.17 - 8.69
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
634 Ad Impressions,1 Days,2 Popularity,634 views,2 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $3.64 - 14.6
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
1038 Ad Impressions,1 Days,29 Popularity,1038 views,19 likes,10 comments,0 shares.
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: November 2024
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: November 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:
NG Spark-Kings,AitekUS,TechQuestor US,TechQuestor US,TechQuestor US,TechQuestor US,DailyRedditDigest,JV ACC,LAUAPHONIX INC,Brittany B🩵.
They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: November 2024
The total number of days for these 10 ads:25546 Ad Impressions,22 Days,69 Popularity,25546 views,64 likes,3 comments,2 shares.
The countries they advertise contain: United States,Indonesia
NG Spark-Kings
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1.98 - 7.94
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
379 Ad Impressions,1 Days,12 Popularity,379 views,10 likes,2 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.37 - 9.49
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
553 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,553 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
TechQuestor US
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $0.54 - 2.15
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
82 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,82 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
TechQuestor US
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $0.32 - 1.28
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
36 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,36 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
TechQuestor US
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.45 - 9.8
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
656 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,656 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
TechQuestor US
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.39 - 9.6
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
661 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,661 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1.07 - 4.29
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
294 Ad Impressions,1 Days,2 Popularity,294 views,2 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $9.02 - 36.72
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
21988 Ad Impressions,13 Days,40 Popularity,21988 views,39 likes,0 comments,1 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1.73 - 6.93
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
435 Ad Impressions,1 Days,4 Popularity,435 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Brittany B🩵
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.26 - 9.06
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
462 Ad Impressions,1 Days,10 Popularity,462 views,8 likes,1 comments,1 shares.
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: October 2024
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: October 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:
WoW Store,Decsteamboy us,Barahona,Nicole Alexandria 🫶,NeotrixQI Store-4,WoW Store,vehicubeusa,ZHIKE Pengisian,Pushpa_Raj,Luke🎮.
They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: October 2024
The total number of days for these 10 ads:179989 Ad Impressions,72 Days,2023 Popularity,179989 views,1894 likes,50 comments,79 shares.
The countries they advertise contain: Singapore,United States,Indonesia
WoW Store
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Singapore
TikTok ad cost:: $1.15 - 4.61
Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65
677 Ad Impressions,1 Days,5 Popularity,677 views,5 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Decsteamboy us
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $281.46 - 1128.32
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
82038 Ad Impressions,27 Days,614 Popularity,82038 views,552 likes,16 comments,46 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $7.54 - 30.22
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
2093 Ad Impressions,2 Days,29 Popularity,2093 views,28 likes,1 comments,0 shares.
Nicole Alexandria 🫶
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $4.6 - 18.44
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
1010 Ad Impressions,2 Days,33 Popularity,1010 views,18 likes,12 comments,3 shares.
NeotrixQI Store-4
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.37 - 9.5
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
582 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,582 views,1 likes,2 comments,0 shares.
WoW Store
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Singapore
TikTok ad cost:: $0.51 - 2.04
Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65
167 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,167 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Comprar ahora
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $37.35 - 149.73
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
10746 Ad Impressions,7 Days,934 Popularity,10746 views,909 likes,15 comments,10 shares.
ZHIKE Pengisian
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $25.17 - 102.54
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
61182 Ad Impressions,8 Days,251 Popularity,61182 views,241 likes,1 comments,9 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1.51 - 6.06
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
459 Ad Impressions,1 Days,23 Popularity,459 views,22 likes,1 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $55.57 - 222.71
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
21035 Ad Impressions,22 Days,131 Popularity,21035 views,118 likes,2 comments,11 shares.
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: September 2024
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: September 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:
Katelyn Bennett,Accessories Plus LLC,New Deal Finds,Bullet Tech,carrrshop,carrrshop,carrrshop,brantshopcom,AitekUS,Koh Dennies.
They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: September 2024
The total number of days for these 10 ads:365371 Ad Impressions,82 Days,3044 Popularity,365371 views,2756 likes,149 comments,139 shares.
The countries they advertise contain: United States,United Kingdom,Malaysia,Indonesia
Katelyn Bennett
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $18.91 - 75.79
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
5198 Ad Impressions,2 Days,152 Popularity,5198 views,70 likes,81 comments,1 shares.
Accessories Plus LLC
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.27 - 9.09
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
379 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,379 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
New Deal Finds
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $9.62 - 38.58
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
2665 Ad Impressions,2 Days,12 Popularity,2665 views,11 likes,1 comments,0 shares.
Bullet Tech
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $57.38 - 230.01
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
16472 Ad Impressions,17 Days,55 Popularity,16472 views,48 likes,2 comments,5 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $0.25 - 0.98
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
109 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,109 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Beli sekarang
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $0.52 - 2.09
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
211 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,211 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Beli sekarang
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $0.69 - 2.75
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
39 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,39 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Order now
Ad targeting: United Kingdom
TikTok ad cost:: $40.9 - 163.8
United Kingdom TikTok cpm: $1.89
21571 Ad Impressions,2 Days,56 Popularity,21571 views,54 likes,0 comments,2 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $4.11 - 16.47
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
848 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,848 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Koh Dennies
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $429.14 - 1720.78
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
317879 Ad Impressions,54 Days,2762 Popularity,317879 views,2566 likes,65 comments,131 shares.
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: August 2024
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: August 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:
Ferxiner USA,Ferxiner USA,Pstore Global ID,Nohon id ①,Nohon id ①,Ugreen.Indonesia,UgreenOfficialShop,தமிழ்மகன்_புனிதன் பரமசிவன்0109,GADVENTIA,Ugreen.Indonesia.
They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: August 2024
The total number of days for these 10 ads:407728 Ad Impressions,182 Days,1848 Popularity,407728 views,1742 likes,31 comments,75 shares.
The countries they advertise contain: Singapore,United States,Malaysia,Indonesia
Ferxiner USA
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1.19 - 4.76
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
333 Ad Impressions,1 Days,2 Popularity,333 views,2 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ferxiner USA
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1.22 - 4.88
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
356 Ad Impressions,1 Days,2 Popularity,356 views,2 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Pstore Global ID
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $30.51 - 124.26
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
73996 Ad Impressions,7 Days,91 Popularity,73996 views,89 likes,0 comments,2 shares.
Nohon id ①
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $0.4 - 1.64
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
914 Ad Impressions,1 Days,4 Popularity,914 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Nohon id ①
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $0.59 - 2.37
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
648 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,648 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Beli sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $50.59 - 203.21
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
50244 Ad Impressions,32 Days,194 Popularity,50244 views,168 likes,12 comments,14 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Learn More
Ad targeting: Singapore
TikTok ad cost:: $222.46 - 892.76
Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65
116321 Ad Impressions,89 Days,206 Popularity,116321 views,185 likes,3 comments,18 shares.
தமிழ்மகன்_புனிதன் பரமசிவன்0109
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $49.12 - 196.49
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
25745 Ad Impressions,17 Days,1082 Popularity,25745 views,1042 likes,12 comments,28 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $1.94 - 7.77
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
1614 Ad Impressions,2 Days,4 Popularity,1614 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $112.92 - 453.74
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
137557 Ad Impressions,31 Days,260 Popularity,137557 views,243 likes,4 comments,13 shares.
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: July 2024
iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: July 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:
Ritu Bhattarai,Iseyyox,Sheila,Morpheo,Morpheo,Iseyyox,Mobile Shop,NewByte,Trendy Affiliate,Mr. Knicl.
They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising: July 2024
The total number of days for these 10 ads:22798 Ad Impressions,60 Days,1080 Popularity,22798 views,693 likes,74 comments,313 shares.
The countries they advertise contain: Canada,Singapore,United States,Malaysia
Ritu Bhattarai
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $3.17 - 12.7
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
1528 Ad Impressions,2 Days,147 Popularity,1528 views,89 likes,11 comments,47 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.16 - 8.68
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
562 Ad Impressions,1 Days,4 Popularity,562 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $6.53 - 26.19
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
1840 Ad Impressions,4 Days,40 Popularity,1840 views,28 likes,11 comments,1 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Learn more
Ad targeting: Canada
TikTok ad cost:: $2.97 - 11.89
Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75
1687 Ad Impressions,3 Days,10 Popularity,1687 views,10 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Learn more
Ad targeting: Canada
TikTok ad cost:: $1.91 - 7.67
Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75
1094 Ad Impressions,3 Days,3 Popularity,1094 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $0.77 - 3.09
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
260 Ad Impressions,2 Days,1 Popularity,260 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Mobile Shop
Ad Text:
Call to action: Beli sekarang
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $3.16 - 12.68
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
1476 Ad Impressions,16 Days,10 Popularity,1476 views,9 likes,1 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Learn more
Ad targeting: Singapore
TikTok ad cost:: $13.54 - 54.34
Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65
7045 Ad Impressions,15 Days,13 Popularity,7045 views,11 likes,0 comments,2 shares.
Trendy Affiliate
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $14.9 - 59.72
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
5315 Ad Impressions,11 Days,820 Popularity,5315 views,508 likes,49 comments,263 shares.
Mr. Knicl
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $6.17 - 24.74
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
1991 Ad Impressions,3 Days,32 Popularity,1991 views,30 likes,2 comments,0 shares.
FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.
Pipiads has a large number of iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising, only 50 example cases are listed above, to see more and better of iphone 1 charger TikTok advertising, come sign up for pipiads and try it for free!